2022-06-21 Component feedback

2022-06-21 Component feedback

Components discussed:

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Product header


Reckitt (RB):

  • Nick Harris

  • Matt Lau

DataArt (DA):

  • Sergey Kiselov

  • Anton Merkulov

  • Nikita Pyshnyak

  • Nikita Puzyrenko

  • Sergiy Nalyvayko

 Action items


Promo teaser. Check with Nathan if Promo Strip is in MVP. @Nick Harris
Image + text. Why description font size of the heading block is bigger than typography font size (see design issues)? @Nick Harris
Image + text. Is small version of the component just the mobile version (see design issues)? @Nick Harris
Breadcrumbs. To think if the overflow button needs to be added in case when there is not enough room for breadcrumbs @Nick Harris
Create AC for Breadcrumbs and Product header and confirm them with Nick @Sergiy Nalyvayko (Unlicensed)

Key takeaways


  1. If the width of the breadcrumbs is more than the width of its container, only the first and the last breadcrumb item will be shown.
  2. To think: if the overflow button needs to be added in the above case.
  3. If the width is still not enough, the last breadcrumb item should be truncated

Product header

  1. There should be an option of placing subheading either inside h1 or outside of it.
  2. If there is only one image in the carousel, the navigation buttons won't show