2022-01-27 Discovery Phase Interim Status & Findings Update
2022-01-27 Discovery Phase Interim Status & Findings Update
Jan 27, 2022
Meeting recording
Link: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/1cda3af2-e487-47d1-9103-3348ea8d91de
Reckitt (RB):
Ali Durrani
Aga Golebiewska
Matt Lau
Nathan McKean
Radosław Kowalewski
Robert RuszczykDataArt (DA):
Sergey Kiselyov
Anton Merkulov
Alexey Strogov
Natalia Voytovich
DataArt to share their concerns around tech discovery progress
DA & RB to discuss how to proceed further
Action items
DA to schedule business-oriented sessions with RB immediately
RB to create a general teams channel to help streamline communication flow
Key takeaways
- There are risks associated with the technical side of design system that require to define boundaries and system constraints to mitigate them
- Business-oriented sessions with defined use cases/scenarios will help to set the strong foundation for the DS
- DA to continue a review of the approach to Component Library
- Hold on the MVP development phase until we have a clear way for it.
- Avoid making too many assumptions at this point - model has to respond to business needs of various sorts and we have to take more business-centric thinking, otherwise the system might fail