2022-01-27 Discovery Phase Interim Status & Findings Update

2022-01-27 Discovery Phase Interim Status & Findings Update


Jan 27, 2022

Meeting recording

Link: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/1cda3af2-e487-47d1-9103-3348ea8d91de



  • Reckitt (RB):
    Ali Durrani
    Aga Golebiewska
    Matt Lau
    Nathan McKean
    Radosław Kowalewski
    Robert Ruszczyk

  • DataArt (DA):
    Sergey Kiselyov
    Anton Merkulov
    Alexey Strogov
    Natalia Voytovich


  • DataArt to share their concerns around tech discovery progress

  • DA & RB to discuss how to proceed further

Action items

DA to schedule business-oriented sessions with RB immediately
RB to create a general teams channel to help streamline communication flow

Key takeaways

  1. There are risks associated with the technical side of design system that require to define boundaries and system constraints to mitigate them
  2. Business-oriented sessions with defined use cases/scenarios will help to set the strong foundation for the DS
  3. DA to continue a review of the approach to Component Library
  4. Hold on the MVP development phase until we have a clear way for it.
  1. Avoid making too many assumptions at this point - model has to respond to business needs of various sorts and we have to take more business-centric thinking, otherwise the system might fail