2022-01-20 Discovery Phase Session #1 Tech teams

2022-01-20 Discovery Phase Session #1 Tech teams


Jan 20, 2022

Meeting recording

Link: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/0bc0735c-4fcd-4a51-9213-10e64a689ee1


  • Reckitt (RB):
    Radosław Kowalewski
    Bartlomiej Kuśmierczuk
    Katarzyna Lewczuk
    Janusz Paprzycki
    Paweł Płoneczka
    Robert Ruszczyk

  • DataArt (DA):
    Julia Boyarshchikova
    Sergey Gromskiy
    Sergey Kiselyov
    Anton Merkulov
    Nikita Puzyrenko
    Natalia Voytovich


  • DataArt to explain their vision & approach to design system development

  • RB to share their expectations around documentation, versioning and overall approach to

  • Settle a common ground for further delivery

Action items

DA to schedule weekly or twice-a-week connects between RB tech & DA
RB to create the repository for DA
RB to check additional QA tools/needs with the QA Lead

Key takeaways

  1. Design system decoupled from CMS, but easy to integrate with any through data transformation layer - to mitigate CMS-related risk and increase the value added by the DS
  2. Documentation & Versioning agreed
  3. Testing: Unit testing, Visual Regression & Accessibility testing to be included
  4. Pull Requests Review: for small stuff: 1 pull request, for bigger stuff: 10 separate pull request - RB can guarantee 2 days SLA for Pull Request Review, but given the top priority of the design system, the team will try to keep the same day review
  5. Documentation/coding standards should become the part of the design system to make it future-proof for any new people working with it
  6. All meetings around the component decisions (the ones with Nathan McKean) should include also @Paweł Płoneczka , @Radoslaw Kowalewski (Unlicensed) & @Robert Ruszczyk (Unlicensed) from RB end