2022-03-31 Daily stand up
2022-03-31 Daily stand up
Mar 31, 2022
Reckitt (RB):
Nathan McKean
Matt Lau
Paweł Płoneczka
Robert RuszczykDataArt (DA):
Nikita Pushnyak
Julia Boyarshchikova
Sergey Kiselyov
Anton Merkulov
Nikita Puzyrenko
Xenia Akimova
DA to tell about current progress, restrictions and next steps
RB to clarify remaining issues
Agree on first MVP steps implementation
Action items
DA to set up the Q&A session regarding the repository, access to which was submitted @Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)
DA schedule the demo sessions every week (once development is started) @Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)
RB to confirm the scope officially (review in the confluence, what is necessary and what is not) @nathan.mckean@reckitt.com (Unlicensed) @Matt.Lau@reckitt.com@Golebiewska, Aga (Unlicensed)
Tech teams to discuss master vs develop approach, pros and cons. @Anton Merkulov (Unlicensed)@Paweł Płoneczka@Radoslaw Kowalewski (Unlicensed)
To suggest and discuss visual regression testing, that is in fact should be automated screenshot comparison process in order to catch visual fails after components update. @Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)
Key takeaways
- Agenda for daily stand ups should be provided, when specific issues need to be discussed. Flag for @nathan.mckean@reckitt.com (Unlicensed) presence is required (as well for the other major stakeholder)
- Workflow for the MVP phase will be set up the nearest time
- Technical sessions will be scheduled. Opened issues: CSS / HTML issue, Contentstack usage
- Deliverables' quality is important. We need to agree the control points to add transparency
- All the occurred for the moment gaps should be highlighted and added to the risks if required
- QA from RB is assigned. WoW will be set up the nearest time
- Standards documenting is mandatory