2022-04-04 Daily stand up

2022-04-04 Daily stand up


Apr 4, 2022



  • Reckitt (RB):
    Nathan McKean
    Matt Lau
    Robert Ruszczyk

  • DataArt (DA):

Nikita Pushnyak
Julia Boyarshchikova
Sergey Kiselyov
Anton Merkulov
Nikita Puzyrenko


  • DA to tell about current progress, restrictions and next steps

  • RB to clarify remaining issues

  • Agree on first MVP steps implementation

Action items

DA to provide access to code for review and further discussion @Anton Merkulov (Unlicensed)@Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)
RB to confirm the scope officially (review in the confluence, what is necessary and what is not) @nathan.mckean@reckitt.com (Unlicensed) @Matt.Lau@reckitt.com@Golebiewska, Aga (Unlicensed)
Tech teams to discuss master vs develop approach, pros and cons. @Anton Merkulov (Unlicensed)@Paweł Płoneczka@Radoslaw Kowalewski (Unlicensed)
To suggest and discuss visual regression testing, that is in fact should be automated screenshot comparison process in order to catch visual fails after components update. @Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)
DA schedule the demo sessions every week (once development is started) @Sergey Kiselyov (Unlicensed)

Key takeaways

  1. Access to repository and documentation should be provided when needed
  1. Initial processes establishment is required
  2. CTA block / Heading block can be developed as a first component for Component library
  3. Scope was reviewed, all notes are taken into account for it’s update
  4. Basing on updated scope new estimates and budget will be submitted
  5. Environment set up will be discussed on Tuesday
  6. Design kick-off session is planned for Tuesday
  7. Project boilerplate is going to be discussed