NUTRINTG Configuration

NUTRINTG Configuration

Profile for CDP

  1. (Optional - only when profile comes from Shopify) cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains

  2. middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping

    { "accountSource" : ${ACCOUNT_SOURCE}, "sink" : ${CDP_PROFILE_QUEUE}, "routerDeliveryCounter" : NumberLong(1) } AND { "accountSource" : ${ACCOUNT_SOURCE}, "sink" : ${QUEUE_OR_EXCHANGE_WITH_IMS}, "routerDeliveryCounter" : NumberLong(2) }

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains configuration (if exists) or the same which will be included in HTTP request header for cdp-profile-service
    CDP_PROFILE_QUEUE - the queue name bound to cdp-profile-adapter
    QUEUE_OR_EXCHANGE_WITH_IMS - the name of the IMS queue or exchange with IMS queue is bound to

  3. middlewareProfileSearchService_accountSourceToDestinationMapping

    { "accountSource" : "GBRDURECOMCUST", "destination" : "CDP" }

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration

  4. middlewareInstantMessageService

    { "accountSource" : ${ACCOUNT_SOURCE}, "entityType" : "PROFILE", "isCDPTarget" : true, "APIEvent" : ${API_EVENT} }

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration
    API_EVENT - the API-event of customer Journey for a given market

  5. cdpSfmcJourneyService_tokenConfig

    API_EVENT - the API-event of Journey - the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService

Profile for CDS

  1. (Optional - only when profile comes from Shopify) cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains

  2. middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains configuration (if exists) or the same which will be included in HTTP request header for cdp-profile-service
    CDS_ADAPTER_QUEUE - the queue name bound to cds-adapter
    QUEUE_OR_EXCHANGE_WITH_IMS - the name of the IMS queue or exchange with IMS queue is bound to

  3. cdsMiddlewareMessageAdapter_accountSourceToBucketMapping

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains configuration (if exists) or the same which will be included in HTTP request header for cdp-profile-service
    BUCKET_ID - created bucket in CDS beforehand, with Profile schema
    BRAND - brand for the given bucket
    MARKET - market for the given bucket
    CDS_TARGET - target CDS instance (EU or RUSSIAN)

  4. middlewareInstantMessageService

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration
    API_EVENT - the API-event of customer Journey for a given market

  5. cdpSfmcJourneyService_tokenConfig

    API_EVENT - the API-event of Journey - the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService


  1. cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains

    SHOP_DOMAIN - the Shopify shop domain, the same as for cdpShopifyCustomerService_shopifyDomains
    ORDER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - Account Source of Order
    CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - Account Source of Customer correlated with Order

  2. cdpShopifyOrderAdapter_shopifyDomains

    SHOP_DOMAIN - the Shopify shop domain, the same as for cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains
    CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains

  3. middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping

    ORDER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains
    SHOPIFY_ORDER_ADAPTER_QUEUE - the queue name bound to shopify-order-adapter
    QUEUE_OR_EXCHANGE_WITH_IMS - the name of the IMS queue or exchange with IMS queue is bound to

  4. middlewareProfileSearchService_accountSourceToDestinationMapping

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration

  5. middlewareInstantMessageService

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration
    API_EVENT - the API-event of order Journey for a given market
    DATA_EXTENSION_KEY - the key of SFMC DE for order line items for a given market

  6. cdpSfmcJourneyService_tokenConfig

    API_EVENT - the API-event of Journey - the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService
    DATA_EXTENSION_KEY - the key of SFMC DE, the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService

Order for CDS

  1. cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains

    SHOP_DOMAIN - the Shopify shop domain
    ORDER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - Account Source of Order
    CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - account source of profiles correlated with Orders. OPTIONAL, could be used in the future, but if there is no Account Source, it can be skipped

  2. cdsMiddlewareMessageAdapter_accountSourceToBucketMapping

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains configuration (if exists) or the same which will be included in HTTP request header for cdp-profile-service
    BUCKET_ID - created bucket in CDS beforehand, with Profile schema
    BRAND - brand for the given bucket
    MARKET - market for the given bucket
    CDS_TARGET - target CDS instance (EU or RUSSIAN)

  3. middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping

    ORDER_ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for cdpShopifyOrderService_shopifyDomains
    CDS_ADAPTER_QUEUE - the queue name bound to shopify-order-adapter
    QUEUE_OR_EXCHANGE_WITH_IMS - the name of the IMS queue or exchange with IMS queue is bound to

  4. middlewareInstantMessageService

    ACCOUNT_SOURCE - the same as for middlewareMessageRouter_accountSourceToSinkMapping configuration
    API_EVENT - the API-event of order Journey for a given market
    DATA_EXTENSION_KEY - the key of SFMC DE for order line items for a given market

  5. cdpSfmcJourneyService_tokenConfig

    API_EVENT - the API-event of Journey - the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService
    DATA_EXTENSION_KEY - the key of SFMC DE, the same as for middlewareInstantMessageService