NUTRINTG New CDP-to-SFMC Integration

NUTRINTG New CDP-to-SFMC Integration

The purpose of this project is to:

  1. Fetch encrypted daily extract files from SFTPs of Epsilon CDP.

  2. Analyze if all the files are present, if their md5 checksums are valid and if dates in their names are valid.

  3. Decrypt the files.

  4. Process the files into an appropriate format for SFMC and split them by brand org code.

  5. For all brand org codes create a zip of all split files.

  6. Send zips to an appropriate SFTP of SFMC.


Therefore there are 6 services in this project:

  1. file-fetcher

  2. file-set-analyzer

  3. file-decrypter

  4. file-processor

  5. file-zipper

  6. file-sender


Some of the services are region-specific and have multiple instances with different settings per region. Others are universal and will work for all the possible regions.
Currently there are 4 regions supported:

  1. amer

  2. sea

  3. eu

  4. us (aka amer_usa, aka Harmony) split into 3 batches: amer_usa1, amer_usa2 and amer_usa3


Please contact the CDD team for credentials/keys to MongoDB, AWS, SFTPs etc. . This data is not to be published on Confluence.