CDP apps
(KW approach)
First of all, I deploy to the stage/dev/qa environment for a client to test all necessary changes if work fine.
Then after approval of the process I deploy it do production.
First of all, I download the current JAR to make a Backup
Then I upload a new jar
Inform the client that changes are deployed.
Check logs if something happens.
Then I decide if I should or should not deploy backup back again and fix some issues that was not noticed on the dev/stage/qa.
CRC apps
Almost all applications on dev do not work so with that we make changes and do the same process for CDP but without DEV/STAGE/QA deployment.
This needs to be done with caution as we make changes directly do production.
Enfamil apps
In here there is currently no knowledge of how to deploy applications to production. QA is deployed via Azure DevOps pipelines.
Mauricio currently is gathering all the requirements for deployment to production
CLP apps
Those applications are in Azure DevOps so I’m not aware if there are pipelines or if it should be done manually.
Here it is best to ask Cyril how it was previously deployed, or what he thinks we should do with such deployment (with Mauricio)
Most probably it will be similar to the CDP process.
From my side, there is a need to move all CDP, and CRC apps to Azure DevOps our group (when created) and create necessary pipelines and releases to save jar as backup and make CI/CD deployments from there. Currently, we have only CI/CD (JENKINS) for CDP but we don’t use them as we don’t know if they work.