

Use cases included in this phase.

CLP-109 Enroll & get retrospective points for money spent since 2020 [LINK]

It appears that the RB business unit wants to collect orders since the beginning of the current year. So in the given example, only order #3 and #4 will be imported into Voucherify.

The Shopify team declared that it's their responsibility is to deliver correct orders to the CDD team's solution. They are going to mark correct orders by adding the tag. Adding this tag to order will cause the triggering of the WebHook mechanism. And simply data will flow to CDD’s solution.

address? warunek? gdzie trafiają?

Voucherify is counting points from received orders. One point equals one local currency (RM).

CLP-43 As a User I want the number of my loyalty points and my loyalty tier to be displayed in the Dashboard so that I’m aware of my loyalty level. [LINK]

CDD team must deliver functionality that will allow displaying the points and rewards on the Shopify site. Also, other marketing objects like vouchers, earning rules, tiers.

So all the VF methods should be forwarded via CDD’s solution with the parameters from Shopify.

CLP-52 Rewards Shop: convert Loyalty Points to Cash Vouchers [LINK]


CLP-98 Enfa rewards: see My rewards [LINK]


CLP-61 Set voucher validity period [LINK]

[TO DO] Wojciech Wójcik