NUTRINTG Postman Requests
Below you can find Postman example requests which can be used to test CDD services. Please be aware that some of the requests require proper Hmac (Shopify requests) and some of the requests require proper profile Id or email address to be provided in the request url.
If it is necessary to change the request destination from the test environment to the stage environment, please edit url in the request or add local environment variables. For both test and stage environment access token is the same.
If it is necessary to send some of the requests to the production environment, please be aware that this should be consulted with @Robert Radzimowski or @Sebastian Baltruszewicz , or @Małgorzata Mucha , and a production url with a production access token and production request data should be used for this action.
Access Token:
Epsilon Access Token :
Frankfurt Access Token :
Russia Access Token :
Epsilon profile:
Middleware profile
Proxy Service:
Google Lead Adds:
Trace Service:
All in one packaged:
All in one package with parameters (it is necessary to add environments):