NUTRINTG Regression Tests for middleware
Regression tests for middleware can be found here:
Tests are available in Team City:
Tests can be run by all QA’s and all Dev’s from Epsilon project. Also every one who has proper access can run those tests.
By default tests are set up for test environment but they can be also lunched on prod environment, but please be aware that on prod environment all data cannot be deleted and please confirm with CDP product owner that you can run regression test on production.
Below are settings for regression tests:
Once all tests are done, you can find files with test logs in “Artifacts” tab:
Logs contains:
Name of test
Date and time for each test and test step
Data used for test
If any error occurs, information about this error (if this is an error while retrieving Access Token or error while saving profile to CDP/reading profile from CDP)
Regression tests contains:
| Adding profile to CDP with only mandatory fields |
| Adding profile to CDP without subscription |
| Adding profile to CDP without direct mailing |
| Adding profile to CDP without email mailing |
| Adding profile to CDP with direct mailing and email mailing |
| Adding profile to CDP without address and phone |
| Adding profile to CDP without address and phone and email |
| Adding profile to CDP without address |
| Adding profile to CDP without email mailing |
| Adding profile to CDP without phone |
| Adding profile to CDP with specified client id |
| Adding profile to CDP with Google Analytics |
| Adding profile to CDP with campaign |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with True flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with False flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with Empty flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with Incorrect flag |
| Get profile from CDP using email address |
| Get Profile From CDP Using Source Account Number |
| Get profile from CDP using email address |
| Get Profile From CDP without Source Account Number And Email Address |
| Get Profile From CDP using Source Account Number And Email Address |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for correct request is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long source account number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing country code in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty country code in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long country code in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing delivery status in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty delivery status in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long delivery status in address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing delivery status in email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty delivery status in email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long delivery status in email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing delivery status in phone number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty phone number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long phone number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing delivery status in phone number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty delivery status in phone number is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing tier code is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with empty tier code is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing campaign source is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing campaign medium is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with missing campaign name is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long campaign source is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long campaign request is correct |
| Checking if middleware profile service validation for request with too long campaign name is correct |
| Updating profile with new address |
| Updating profile with new phone |
| Updating profile with new email address |
| Updating profile with updated data (firstName/lastName etc) |
| Updating profile with subscription dm |
| Updating profile with subscription em |
| Updating profile with subscription ph |
| Updating profile with subscription using incorrect endpoint |
| Updating profile with subscription using empty body request |
| Updating profile with survey |
| Adding profile to CDS without subscription |
| Adding profile to CDS without direct mailing |
| Adding profile to CDS without email mailing |
| Adding profile to CDS without address and phone and email |
| Adding profile to CDS without address and phone |
| Adding profile to CDS without address |
| Adding profile to CDS without phone |
| Adding profile to CDS with specified Client Id |
| Adding profile to CDS with Google Analytics |
| Adding profile to CDS with campaign |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDS with True flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with False flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with Empty flag |
| Adding profile to Fulfillment Center and CDP with Incorrect flag |
| Get profile from CDS using email address |
| Get Profile From CDS without Account Source And Email Address |
| Get Profile From CDS without Account Source |
| Get Profile From CDS without Email Address |
| Get Profile From CDS incorrect Email Address |
| Get Profile From CDS incorrect Account Source |
| Checking if middleware service validation for correct request is correct |
| Checking if middleware service validation for subscription is correct |
| Checking if middleware service validation for Email is correct |
| Checking if middleware service validation for Phone Number is correct |
| Checking if middleware service validation for Due Date is correct |
| Checking if middleware service validation for Postal Code is correct |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with incorrect authorization |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with missing account source |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with incorrect account source |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with all correct data |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with without lds document constent accepted |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with without lds document mandatory ind |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with without lds document constent description |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with witht not existing lds document revision |
| Adding Wayin profile to CDP with witht not valiud bussines Id for lds document |
Patch |
| Patching profile using replace option |
| Patching profile using add option |
| Patching profile using remove option |
| Patching profile using copy option |
| Patching profile with not existing email address |
Proxy Service |
| Adding profile to CDP |
| Getting profile from CDP |
| Updating profile with new address |
| Updating profile with new phone |
| Updating profile with new email address |
| Updating profile with update data |
| Updating profile with subscription dm |
| Getting profile promotion history |
| Getting profile activity |
| Getting Rb transaction for specified profile |
| Adding assign voucher to profile |
| Adding voucher redemption to profile |
| Adding hospital data to profile |
| Updating hospital data for profile |
| Getting hospital data for profile |
| Getting golden profile using profile id |
| Getting golden profile using individual id |
Router |
| RouterService |
| Adding profile to CDP |
| Adding profile to CDS |
| Adding order to CDS |
| Adding profile to CDP |
Shopify |
| Checking if abandoned checkout for not signed in user works correctly |
| Checking if abandoned checkout for signed in user works correctly |
| Adding order to CDP |
| Updating order in CDP |
| Adding order to CDP |
| Adding order to CDS |
| Updating order in CDS |
| Adding profile to CDP with addres |
| Adding profile to CDP without address |
| Adding profile to CDP without address |
| Adding profile to CDS with addres |
| Adding profile to CDS without address |
| Adding order to CDP with true flag for reorder |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with incorrect id is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long email address is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long first name is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long last name is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long company name is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long address line 1 is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long address line 2 is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long city name is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long zip code is correct |
| Checking if middleware shopify service validation for request with too long phone number is correct |
Web Forms |
| Submitting Enfamil Pol web form without direct mailing subscription as end user |
| Submitting Enfamil Pol web form with direct mailing subscription as end user |
LDS Validator (in development) |