'Link' component
Component type | Atom |
Component possible inclusions | n/a |
Design source (in Figma) | |
Component status |
A link allows users to move through applications and websites. Links are used as navigational elements. They may appear on their own, within a sentence or paragraph, or directly following the content.
Key Content
Item | Type | Notes |
Leading icon | SVG file | Optional |
Label | Single line text |
Link text should clearly identify the target of the link.
Avoid using the word “link” in link text.
Avoid using URL’s as link text.
Use inline links to direct users to content that’s not directly related to the journey they’re on.
Subtle links should only be used in scenarios where it is obvious to users through location and proximity that the text is a link.
Visual Style
Two key things for all links:
They have a focus state (it may adjust on certain components, but anything linked – even an image or logo etc. – would take the default focus ring unless specified otherwise);
If the source is external, an “external link” icon would be applied.
Links have 8 states that define their appearance: default, hover, focus, active, inactive, visited, selected and unavailable.
There are two size variants for the link component: small and large. The link size should match the type size of the text it is inline with. When using links apart from other content, the link size should match the default body copy size of the page.
When using a mouse user can open a link by clicking anywhere along the link text or on the associated icon.
When using keyboard user can open a link by pressing
while the link has focus.
Use links when you want users to navigate to a different page within the application, navigate to an entirely different site, go to an element on the same page, link to emails or phone numbers.
Link text needs to be clear and concise. It should be obvious for users what will happen when they click.
Keep links as short as possible (not compromising clarity).
Links text should start with a capital letter (exception: inline links) .
Use the same text for links that navigate to the same URL.
Don’t do
Don’t use links for actions that will change data or manipulate how it is displayed, change a state, or trigger an action.
Avoid generic descriptions, link text must not be "click here".
Avoid linking a full phrase. The word order might change, which would break the link into two parts.
Don’t use a full stop for standalone links.
Don’t use too many links. They clutter a page and make it difficult for users to identify their next steps.
Analytics & Data
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