'CTA block' component
Component type | Molecule |
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Design source (in Figma) | |
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Call to action block is aimed to attract attention and prompt the user to carry out an action. CTA is typically written as a command or action phrase and generally takes the form of a button or hyperlink.
CTA Block consists of the next atoms: CTA link and CTA button. It can be either standalone button or link or their different combinations. CTA Block controls paddings between elements.
Similar content
Technically CTAs are similar to Buttons and Links.
CTA block has 2 states that define their appearance: Non-stacked and Stacked.
When to use
Use a CTA block to motivate user for some actions or decisions that are important. They should be used throughout your UI, it can be used in situations where users need to :
trigger a transition to an other page,
specify a new or next step in a process.
When not to use
Do not use CTAs to submit a form, to confirm a change.
Do not use CTA as navigation links.
Do not use two CTAs at the same time.