Risks & Dependencies
No | Description | Type | Criticality | Next actions/Implication | Owner | Notes |
1 | Component Library alone will not make new website development 50% cheaper and 50% faster | Risk | High | Component Library is just a possible UI kit for new website development and usually it takes ~25% of development. There is also CMS, Content Modeling and backend development involved, there are no details/plans available at this point. |
2 | Component Library Organisms are not suitable for future projects, thus won't be used. | Issue | High | Organism, like Product Card, will not fit brand design and thus should be built from Atoms |
3 | Component Library Atoms are not suitable for future projects, thus won't be used. | Issue | Low | Allowed Atom design customization is not enough to fit the design |
4 | Brand teams can possibly create inaccessible Components using Atoms only when Organisms are not suitable | Issue | Medium |
5 | Data transformation layer brings additional efforts and not stable | Issue | High | As Component Library is separated from data then data tranformation layer will be mandatory for all CMSs and projects. |
6 | Overcomplicated and low performance change of styles of Organisms | Risk | Medium | Create POC of Hero Banner and evaluate an approach with Theme providers |
7 | Development approach is row and not defined yet, may bring unpredictable efforts | Risk | High | Create POC of Hero Banner and evaluate the development approach |
8 | Components are too heavy | Risk | Medium | Components are too heavy due to all the variations they will support and thus will affect the bundle size and overall page size and performance. Apply bundle size control. |
9 | Unavailability of the designated stakeholders and delays in the approval of work results | Risk | High |
10 | Requirements inconsistency | Risk | High | To gather requirements properly, update in constantly after each review, use only reviewed requirements | Julia Boyarshchikova |
11 | Accesses' provision governance issue | Risk | High |
| Robert Ruszczyk, Sergey Kiselyov |
12 | Unknown restrictions in chosen tools | Dependency | Middle |
13 | Complicated required designs and componens within websites in future | Risk | Middle |
14 | Incorrect scope evaluation basing on components catalogues submitted | Risk | High |
| Sergey Kiselyov, Julia Boyarshchikova |
15 | Mistakes in design inputs submitted | Risk | Middle | The flow of components’ development was agreed, which includes the step of designs’ alignment for each entity. It will mitigate the risk | Ekino team | |
16 | Сomplexity of component library versions' hierarchy | Risk | Middle |
17 | Lack of related guides and instructions | Risk | Low | To define and approve list of required related documentation | Julia Boyarshchikova |
18 | Low transparency of new content creation processes | Risk | Middle |
19 | Lack of product demos | Risk | Low |