Coding standards
Tech stack
AWS Code Artifact - host and distribute Component Library
Storybook - to present Components developed along with documentation in it
Jenkins for CI/CD - to be defined and clarified by Reckitt team during Promo Hero MVP
SonarJS - for code analysis
Changeset - for versioning
Code quality & unit tests
To ensure the cleanliness and quality of the code we use the following tools:
stylelint – A mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.
eslint – Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
prettier – An opinionated code formatter
jest – delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
Configuration located in path packages/configs
lint-staged is used for pre-commits hook to prettify & fix staged files. Configuration located in package.json
Every PR must pass validations:
yarn lint
yarn lint
yarn stylelint
yarn typecheck
yarn test
Accessibility standards
Accessibility guidelines & recommendations.
Naming conventions
Classes methods
File and folder naming and organization
This section explains how your file and folder should be named and structured.