Getting started with Chameleon
*This site is a work-in-progress and some pages are more complete than others. If you have any questions or issues, please email nick.harris@reckitt.com. *
Getting started with Chameleon
Start your project
Launch whatever starter (e.q.: gatsby-starter-default). Run:
npx gatsby new gatsby-starter-default https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-defaultCopy
Add npm scopes
Add .yarnrc.yml
into project root folder and add scopes:
npmRegistryServer: 'https://3fgt4nq73gro73zir3xhzrljae0lqilf.lambda-url.eu-central-1.on.aws/'Copy
Install Design System package
yarn add @design-system/buttonCopy
or install particular version
Import to your code